Pulse Media


Shoot to kill (cont'd)


What would I want to do to terrorists who struck this country with a nuclear device? Hit them, duh. Hit them hard, hit them repeatedly, hit them, their sponsors and allies, with every form of force — military, political, economic — we could muster. Hit them till they were destroyed. Then hit them again.

It's a terrorist war between religious fundamentalists on one side and imperialists on the other...

I mean, anybody who thinks fanaticism a trait exclusive to Islam must not have heard of Eric Rudolph, the Christian terrorist who bombed the Atlanta Olympics, a gay nightclub and two abortion clinics. Some alleged Christians in rural North Carolina, where he is believed to have hidden for five years, consider this murderer a hero.

Ah..but he's a christian, 'one of us'...

That police officer in London had an excuse. He had to act in a few pressure-packed seconds. And he made a decision that will haunt him the rest of his life.

He had but a few seconds to jump on an innocent man, push him to the ground, hold him down, and shoot him 8 times in the head. This is according to the reports we have to rely on until an inquiry is held.