Pulse Media


Israeli incursion, assasination - Islamic Jihad rockets

After the IDF killed two palestinian militants in Nablus, Islamic Jihad fired rockets on Sderot. Two were lightly wounded and two others treated for shock.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas official, responded to the attacks by urging "all Palestinian factions to abide by the calm agreement," adding: "Hamas is keen to maintain the deal."

Israel then proceded to close the border with Gaza and to launch an attack in the strip, according to palestinian medical sources.

Islamic Jihad's threat of renewed Qassam fire cam after it accused Israeli troops of shooting a Palestinian farmer as he worked his field in the village of Khuza, near the Gaza border.

Palestinian medical officials said the man was wounded in the leg but there was no independent confirmation that he had been shot by Israeli forces. In Tel Aviv, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she had no knowledge of any such incident.

Palestinian PM Salam Fayyad denounced the Israeli raid in Nablus

Fayyad said the raid was "an example of the kind of activity that has to stop and stop immediately and promptly," adding that such actions were hindering the peace talks. "Clearly everything is related to everything else," he said.