Pulse Media


A voice of reason

"We must, if we're going to make our country better, and more secure, and more democratic, and more multi-cultural, understand this better."
-7/7 survivor John Tulloch on why he tries to understand the bombers, and why he feels more anger for our leaders and those behind the attacks than for the suicide bombers themselves.

Why do people prefer to listen to those like the tabloids who claim to speak for survivors by supporting populistic and counter-productive anti-terror laws, rather than rationally-minded individuals who to top it all, actually have experienced terror? Anyone have an answer?

CS Monitor

So controversial is the issue that it even divides heroes and victims of 7/7. One victim, John Tulloch, said last week that he objected to a British newspaper juxtaposing his stricken image with the text "Tell Tony He's Right," strongly implying that Mr. Tulloch supported Blair's new laws. Another man, Paul Dadge, whose act of heroism in rescuing a victim made him front-page news, said he was "dumbfounded" by MPs rejection of the 90-day provision.

I guess for some democratic principles are less important than the mythical 'war on terror', even if we are supposed to be 'exporting democracy', and even if sacrificing democratic principles creates more tension than it prevents terror. Once more, the voice of reason is ignored in favour of knee jerking.